Why is vitamin B is so important for your health
Vitamins and minerals are essential for a healthy body and mind, and since they often work in tandem and because each has its own set of benefits, it is impossible to single out one as [...]
How balanced nutrition promotes productivity at work
Food is fuel; that much is obvious. In order to be productive at work, you need the right kind of fuel. Some foods will spike your blood glucose levels to great heights, but only for [...]
What Is Instant Mageu
Mageu, also known as Maxau, maHewu, amaRhewu, or amaHewu, is a non-alcoholic drink made from fermented mealiemeal, and is as South African as mealiepap. It has been used for centuries by especially the native populations [...]
Financial benefits to companies who invest in their staff’s health
It is common sense that an unhealthy employee who often misses work or performs poorly at work due to health issues is detrimental to any company, which is by law obliged to provide a certain [...]
What is fortified food?
What is it? Fortified food is any food where micronutrients have been deliberately added in order to enhance the nutrition your body needs for optimal health. These micronutrients include vitamins and minerals (including trace elements), [...]